The PhytoAlchemy Journey Begins! Part 1.
By Jean-Francois Sobiecki B.Sc. (Hons) Ethnobotany
Hi friends!
Why are plants important to our health, well-being mind and bodies?
From my own Journey Medicinal plants have been important on my path as a healer and that is why I call myself a phyto-alchemist; phyto meaning plants, and alchemy meaning the transformation of one state to another ─ in this case from illness to wellness!
On this Journey I have learn’t that consciousness can only happen with nutrients like amino acids that form the building blocks of brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, and that consciousness is a special relationship between nerve cells, minerals and electrical energy! We Are in fact Electro Chemical Beings! It is so interesting that not only amino acids but specific vitamins and minerals serve as co-factors in producing consciousness. For example: Did you know Zinc is crucial in the steps to make serotonin? You can find this mineral in high amounts in Mustard, Ginger and Pumpkin Seeds!
Other than vitamins and minerals, Plants also make special secondary chemicals (like alkaloids) that influence how the brain chemicals work –some of these chemicals resemble serotonin and dopamine and are so powerful that they can open our intuition, dreams and vision so we can Know Ourselves More-How intimate a Relationship can you get! This to me is as good a definition of spirituality as you can get; one that allows for greater intimacy between parts of the Universe!
This fact, that plants make chemicals so similar to human’s serotonin that can help our brains process information about the Universe is amazing, and it shows that plants and humans and other animals are all much more closely connected & related genetically than what appearances may lead us to believe!
Plants are not only Food-they are Vehicles for Knowing our own Consciousness, Medicines, and they provide Structure to our lives through homes and crafts!
They are here to support us on all levels!
Keep a Look Out here for Part 2, where I will be exploring the Main Ways Plant Medicines Heal & Plants for Boosting our Mood & Memory & Concentration!
See Jeans Online Courses on Food as Medicine and the Healing Power of Psychoactive Plants To understand how plants can positively affect our consciousness by increasing our awareness and their Tonic Affects on the body:
Jean is offering a Special Launch Discount Price if you take the All Courses Package before the end of the year!-see Link above!
In addition Jean is Also offering a Free 30 minute Skype or email consultation with the All Course Package if you take the course by the end of 2017! –that will allow you to personally ask him specific questions related to your health or your special topic of interest!
Transform Your Life through the Power of Natural Medicine!