Some Integrative Tips in Healing Depression
If the depression is mild and early one can turn to psilocybin mushroom microdosing, San Pedro or Ayahuasca and nutrient therapies: Fresh wholefoods and fruit rich in enzymatic energy (pineapple, apples, berries, papaya etc), Omega 3 oils good in any stage, Vit B’s-essential, Vit C, Zinc and Magnesium-essential. Sceletium, and St Johns Wort can help alot too in healing depression.
If you are in severe depression with signs of hysteria, paranoia, i.e., bordering on psychosis NO psychedelic plants but rather antidepressants to stabilize.
If you start with SSRI’s dont mix these with psychoactive plants, it can disrupt the action of the antidepressants. Choose one approach (plant antidepressants or pharma SSRIS) and stick to it. Give SSRI’s time to work at least 4-6 weeks to assess their benefit. SSRIs differ in their side effect profiles, see papers by Dr Giovanni Fava and associates on this and discuss with your Dr: and
Other Big Helpers
Change your environment-especially if you are stuck in loop thinking.
Allow yourself to connect with a professional counsellor-Family Life Centre (South Africa) have excellent online counsellors.
Be with someone who cares-family or close friend where you can surrender to the healing process, DON’T ISOLATE for too long.
Seek protection from your spiritual source of love and compassion.
Connect with nature.
Write and let go of the past-burn it.
Accept the pain and work with the inner child-John Bradshaws Homecoming is excellent-when you are in a space to be able to process this.
These are some small but important ways you can help yourself break out of the stuckness of depression.
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