Undoing-the Culture of Fear
Fear sets in and governs us when we no longer feel connected to the whole,
When we let the past define us,
When we do not surrender to Love,
When we let uncertainty and fear of illness and death cripple us.
Some anxiety is normal, especially with a strong virus doing its rounds, when we need to self contain more, yes, sure.
However, when that anxiety is amplified and exploited by those who seek to control others – that we can not let happen, for the greater good of Humanity.
We can not, as a species, protect ourselves indefinitely from new viruses that emerge, for example.
We need to build ourselves up, to have strong minds and bodies,
Perhaps this virus is The Catalyst for people to going back to living in smaller “off grid” communities and populations, where exposure to new viral threats is minimized and better controlled.
What we can not do – is give up our light, to the fear of society and governments around this virus.
We can not stay locked up and self isolated forever – even though politicians would not mind this,
It will keep peoples attention Away from them, but where will it leave us?
Prisoners of their fear mongering?
Time to trust in yourself, and your Hearts Spirit Calling and Follow That.
Explore what you need to do with your life, time does not wait. Where do you need to be?
Let us not wait, for fear to hijack and strap us down.
Now is the Preparation and Doing time, to Living and being Free.
Now is the Preparation and Doing time, to Living and being Free.