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Online Courses



Food as Medicine

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In this colourful and interesting course, Jean will help you to know how to use super plant foods, herbs, spices, and vitamins and minerals to boost your mood, concentration, immunity, libido and energy, and how you can use these natural medicines to effectively treat and prevent lifestyle diseases such as stress, anxiety, ADHD, memory loss, depression, heart disease and high blood pressure. 

Module 1: How Plants Heal

Module 2:  What are Psychoactive Plants and their Healing Ability?

Module 3:  Tonic Food Plants and Spices 

1hr: 20min


The Healing Power Of Psychoactive Plants

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A very interesting and useful course to help you know how psychoactive plant foods can heal the nervous system, and their role in self development and wellness. Jean covers definitions, examples, traditional uses of psychoactive plants in healing and shamanism. Examples: Ayahuasca, Brugmansia, Sceletium, catha edulis etc. How psychoactive plants and psychedelics work on the brain and how psychoactive plants help treat and heal conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression. 52 min

Worksheet notes: Psychoactive Plants, Healing and Pattern Breaking, The nervous system guidelines, and Ubulawu Southern Africa’s Psychoactive Plant Healing Medicine.


The Major Visionary Psychoactive Plants

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Jean takes the student through the major strong acting psychoactive visionary plants/fungi: Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote, Psilocybe mushrooms, Ubulawu: Silene undulata (dream root), Synaptolepis kirkii (dream rhizome), and imphepho outlining their traditional uses, the differences between the plants, their effects, diet preparations and how to make and use the plant medicines. 1hr: 20 min 

Module 1. Ayahuasca part 1

Module 2. Ayahuasca part 2

Module 3. San Pedro

Module 4. Mixing plants and ceremony observances

Module 5. Psilocybe Mushrooms

Module 6. Peyote

Module 7. African Plant Teacher Medicines: Ubulawu


South African Medicinal Plants And Healing Walk

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Jean takes us through a beautiful nature reserve close to Johannesburg to learn to identify and use South Africa’s most powerful medicinal healing plants, wild edible plants, as well as explaining principles of holistic medicine and how ayahuasca and other visionary plants heal from personal experiences. 1hr: 18 min


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