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Take a Plant Safari Walk with Jean and Discover the Secrets of Nature


Workshops and Tours
Workshops and Tours

Come experience the Re-connective Healing Power of Medicinal Plants and Nature with Ethnobotanist (medicinal plant specialist) and Healer Jean Francois Sobiecki, as he takes you on a Journey through the beautiful and peaceful Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve in the South of Johannesburg

You will learn about South Africa’s most powerful healing plants used by the Izangoma (diviners) and Izinyanga (herbalists), how traditional medicine is prepared and used, the role of traditional medicinal plants in healing, conservation, wild edible plants and more…

For enquiries regarding costs of the Plant Walks please contact Jean at


Learn about nature on a plant safari

Medicinal Plant Safari Tour & Nature Healing

With Jean-Francois Sobiecki. B.Sc.Bot. (Wits)., B.Sc.Hons. EthnoBot. (UJ)., Dipl Clin Nutr. (Aus).

Medicinal Plant Researcher (Ethnobotanist), Nutritionist & Wellness Specialist. 

On this stimulating and informative tour you will be shown and taught  South Africa’s most popular & powerful traditional medicine plants and their uses, the scientific and cultural aspects of traditional healing, principles of herbalism and holistic healing and more.

Jean also explores the chemistry and actions of medicinal plants, their conservation and applications in wellness. This experiential tour will reconnect you to nature and yourself.

The tour starts first at the Faraday medicinal plant market in Johannesburg, where we can buy samples of medicines and discuss Traditional Medicine dynamics there, then we go through to Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve to connect and heal with the beautiful and serene nature there.

Some of the topics covered include:

*How to identify, prepare and use South Africa’s most powerful healing plants such as Artemisia (umhlonyane), Withania somnifera (Ubuvimbha), Pentanisia prunelloides (Icimamlilo) etc.

*The different preparations of traditional medicines and how they are administered: steaming, washing, tinctures, decoctions, smudging, ointments etc.

*Global cross cultural patterns of using plant medicines: (Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism, South African traditional medicine etc).

*Applications of South African medicinal plant knowledge in wellness, superfoods, nutrition, medicine, landscaping, cultural studies etc.

*What is being a South African traditional healer and comparison to that of or shaman? The initiation and training process and the role of plants in the initiation like Ubulawu and Ayahuasca.

*Principles of healing with nutrition.

*Wild edible food plants you can eat from the wild-survival bush skills.

*Exploring mindfulness and the very special Kliprviversberg Nature Reserve plateau.

The training is intensive so bring a notebook, hat, good walking shoes
snacks and water.

Times are from 9:00 to 4:00pm. Dates can be discussed and decided on.

Please enquire with Jean prices for groups or individuals., 063 537 5413.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn about healing and health from a specialist in the field of natural medicine.

Workshops and Tours
Workshops and Tours
Workshops and Tours

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